Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fool Day today - SMS, scraps, jokes, pranks and messages

TODAY IS April 1, fool day. 1st April is celebrated by making the others fool. It is the day when people get full liberty to play pranks on one another and commission practical jokes. It is the only day when one can take the liberty to fool the people. The frequency of April Fools' hoaxes sometimes makes people doubt real news stories released on April 1.
The tradition of celebrating this day is observed differently in different countries. All the people should always remember and take care that on the April's Fool Day, never do such a things that can harm your relatives, friends, co-workers, etc. So, April fool day is approaching very fast and everybody is getting equipped with some new ideas to make fun of others.

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Related Tag >> Offbeat News, Entertainment News, April Fool Day History

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