Saturday, May 2, 2009

Swine flu: Causes and cure

CLASSICAL SWINE fever (CSF), otherwise known as hog cholera (also sometimes called pig plague based on the German word Schweinepest), is a highly contagious disease that comes from pigs and wild boar. It is caused by Pestivirus, which belongs to the family Flaviviridae.

Swine fever causes fever, skinlesions, convulsions particularly in young animals and fatality within 15 days. The disease is endemic in much of Asia, Central and South America and parts of Europe and Africa. According to the reports of the United Kingdom Husbandry, it was eradicated in animals. This statement was also confirmed by the United States Animal Husbandry in 1978. The major symptom of this virus infection in pigs is the pinpoint hemorrhages on the kidneys.

More on: Swine flu: Causes and cure

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