Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Swine flu: A result of mishandling of animals

THE WORLD Health Organisation has declared swine flu a public health emergency. Michael Greger, MD, Public Health and Animal Agriculture for The Humane Society of the United States, issued the following statement in reaction to the swine flu outbreaks:

“Breeding sows confined in crates so narrow they can’t even turn around produce lower levels of antibodies in response to experimental challenges. Measures as simple as providing straw bedding for pigs improves immune function, presumably by eliminating the immunosuppressive stress of lying on bare concrete for virtually their entire lives. This minimal act—providing straw— has been shown to decrease the risk of swine flu infection, which may play a role in the emergence of human influenza pandemics.

More on: Swine flu: A result of mishandling of animals

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