Friday, December 10, 2010

Social media marketing changing the way internet is used

SOMETIME AROUND 2007 or 2008, a new Internet trend emerged. Some called it Web 2.0, but now it is more commonly referred to as social media. Sites like My Space, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Hubpages and Squidoo came onto the scene and allowed anybody to publish content on the Internet. In short, it changed the way people used the Internet.

In addition to changing the way people use the Internet, social media has changed the way people advertise on the web. Internet marketers around the world have realised the potential of social media and the ability it has to put products and services in front of customers. The only problem with social media was the sometimes slow, laborious process of getting content published. Services like Traffic Geyser came onto the scene and gave people the ability to blast their message all over the Internet in written, audio, and video formats with the push of a button.

If you are going to purchase social media marketing machines, make sure you do some searching for social media marketing machines bonuses because you can free stuff like an iPad or a laptop just for buying a training programme you are going to buy anyways.

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